Welcome to our insightful discussion on the future of electric vehicles (EVs) in logistics. Today, we have this interview with Michael Hubschneider, a leading expert in the field of EV Truck Route Planning. With a wealth of experience and a keen understanding of the rapidly evolving electric vehicle landscape, Michael has been instrumental in pioneering innovative solutions that are transforming the logistics industry.

In this interview, we’ll delve into the inspiration behind the creation of the EV Truck Route Planner, an innovative tool designed to navigate the unique challenges posed by electric vehicles. Michael will share his insights on why this tool is vital for the logistics industry, the process and challenges of its development, its potential applications, and how it stands apart from other route planning tools currently available on the market.

Join us as we explore the exciting future of EV logistics, the role of the EV Truck Route Planner in reducing carbon footprints, and how this tool is evolving to meet the changing needs of the logistics industry. Whether you’re a fleet manager, a logistics company, or simply interested in the future of sustainable transport, this interview promises to be a fascinating journey into the heart of electric vehicle route planning.

Q: What inspired the creation of the EV Truck Route Planner and why do you believe it is important for the logistics industry?

Answer: What inspires us is that we see that the world is changing, climate change makes it necessary for processes to change.

As a result, the framework conditions will also change more and more in the coming years. Now, there is a lot of uncertainty in the market about what impact this will have, and how such a change can really be managed. In this context, questions of feasibility and financial viability play a major role.

With the EV Truck Route Planner, we want to contribute to more transparency in investment decisions.

Michael Hubschneider - Senior Product Manager at PTV Logistics

Q: Can you tell us more about the process of developing the EV Truck Route Planner? What were some of the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

Answer: Well, we came from the side of how EVs differ from traditional commercial vehicles. You will quickly discover:

  • The range is one of the striking differences
  • Sometimes you need to charge during the day
  • You must build up a charging infrastructure
  • There are restrictions like Low Emission Zones (LEZ) coming up, and you can access these areas with BEVs the organization of the yard can change due to restricted space
  • And there are other financial consequences, (taxes, subsidies, fees like tolls) there is a long list

Since the range is at the center of most considerations, you want to be able to calculate the consumption. You will find that electric vehicles behave very differently from one another.

So, vehicles are important – the consumption must be calculated relative to a used vehicle – so vehicle data and digital twin modeling are also important, otherwise, you can’t calculate consumption. So underneath the challenge of developing a model that consists of data and algorithm, you have the challenge of scalability – all vehicles should be comparable. The information known about electric vehicles in the public space is often scarce, so we prefer to work with manufacturers to collect the underlying data.

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Q: What are the situations in which an EV Truck Route Planner would be helpful?

Answer: Fleet managers are increasingly asking themselves what decisions they should make for their fleet over the next few years.

  1. Which vehicles are suitable for my fleet?
    The number of electric vehicles available on the market is growing rapidly, it is not easy to keep track of them all. Besides classic manufacturers, there are also many new players and players entering the market.
    We would like to give an overview of current and planned BEV models of LCVs (vans) and trucks on the European market.
  2. By using digital twins of the vehicles it will be possible to plan routes that are close to real driving situations, i.e. with multiple stations or different loads at each station. It will also be possible to calculate scenarios that include different temperature ranges, wind situations, or how aging and usage will affect a vehicle’s range. This should enable the fleet manager to better assess whether a vehicle is suitable for his driving and transport situation.

Q: How does the EV Truck Route Planner differ from other route planning tools currently available on the market?

Answer: First, we have the largest collection of electric vehicles in Europe, and it’s not just data, but real vehicle models, that can simulate the behavior. Second, we are the first manufacturer-independent commercial vehicle routing provider that works with actual digital twins of electric vehicles.

Q: What are some of the key features of the EV Truck Route Planner and how do they benefit logistics companies?

Answer: In purely practical terms, you can use the EV Truck Route Planner to assess for yourself whether a particular vehicle is suitable in a specific driving situation.

In the logistics industry, however, there are also more and more companies that want to answer questions from customers themselves or provide tools for changing requirements.

In the future, we will also support them with our developer components so that they can answer questions that arise in the context of route planning, route optimization, and reachable ranges themselves in their applications.

Q: How does the EV Truck Route Planner help companies reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future?

Answer: The goal is to convert all fossil fuel-powered transportation to sustainable transportation options. With the EV Truck Route Planner, we help the fleet manager gain insight into how to implement a more carbon-friendly solution.

Q: What is the future of EV Route Planning and how do you see the EV Truck Route Planner evolving to meet the changing needs of the logistics industry?

Answer: Charging will also be addressed in the future. The range is one of the most limiting factors, and there is a need to plan routes that are too long to be completed in one piece.

In this case, intermediate recharging stops will need to be planned. We also plan to support other alternative forms of propulsion, such as fuel cells.

Q: Can you provide any tips or advice for companies looking to optimize their logistics operations with the help of the EV Truck Route Planner?

Answer: Yes, indeed, companies that address the issue of alternative drives early on can have advantages, for example, because changed processes must be planned for the longer term, for example, because applications for subsidies and delivery of vehicles take time and the expansion of the electricity infrastructure takes time and is also likely to be a scarce resource in the future.

Q: We showed the EV Truck Route Planner to some companies, what was their first impression and feedback?

Answer: It is a tool that helps customers gain confidence in a solution (at least until the next step, which is often a trial). And is much needed when faced with such decisions.

We have had very positive feedback, not only because of the questions we can answer,
but also because testing scenarios is straightforward, quick, and requires no prior knowledge.

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Take the first step toward decarbonising your fleet and switching to electric trucks.